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How many linear feet of Flex-C Trac do I need for this curved wall?


To determine the linear footage for a specified curved application.




Enter two only of the three measurements listed in the Input Known Values table. Your output will appear in one of the three tables below depending on which two measurements were entered. Your output will be the third measurement along with the Arc Length.

Be sure your measurements are to the outside edge of Flex-C Trac, Flex-C Plate, Flex-C Header, Flex-C Angle and Quick Qurve Plate. For Flex-C Arch measure to the web portion of the product.


Your output can be printed and taken with you to the job site.

3840 N. Tulsa Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 73112

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866.443.FLEX (3539)

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Copyright 2020 © FLEX-C, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Flex-C Trac, Flex-C Plate, Flex-C Angle – Canada 2330125, New Zealand 507672, Australia 760162, Europe 1073805, China ZL01815011.X and other patents pending. Hammer-Lock – US Patent 8,453,403. Canadian Patent for Hammer-Lock 265642. Flex-C Header – US Patent 7,210,271. Three Legged Dog – US Patent 6792733. Quick Qurve Plate – 7,941,983. Registered Trademarks: Flex-C Trac in US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Europe. Three Legged Dog in the US and Canada, Quick Qurve in the US and The Curved Wall and Ceiling People in the US.

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