Flex-Ability Concepts has introduced an innovative on-line calculator to help designers and contractors easily determine the amount and type of Flex-C Trac® needed to construct virtually any type of dome configuration they may encounter. The Dome Calculator is available on the company’s website, www.flexabilityconcepts.com.
Contractors can choose from six Flex-C Trac gauge and width options plus rib spacing options and can also select a combination that provides load capacity. For a selected configuration, the Calculator will indicate the size of the compression ring and tension ring required plus the number of ribs needed and their dimensions.
“This is really a pretty remarkable tool,” according to Robert Widmer, Marketing Manager. “By using the Dome Calculator, the contractor can quickly determine the materials needed then pick them up from his local distributor and get started immediately. Of course, we’re here too for technical support as always.”
The website features a three-part how-to video that walks the framer through each step of dome construction and provides time-saving installation tips. Drawings are available on the site to illustrate each component and how it connects. The site also includes an order form for templates for all dome components. Included are templates that can be used as needed for the interior and exterior sheathing pieces of the dome.
Flex-C Trac is made of galvanized steel and is available in 16, 18 and 20 gauges in a wide variety of metal framing widths. Flex Lite, a new light duty alternative, is available in 25 gauge steel. Versatile Flex-C Angle is available in 16 and 20 gauges. 20 gauge Flex-C Arch is available in a range of widths for both wood and metal framing. Flex-C Plate is available in 20 gauge and is used for wood framing applications.